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Real Domains for Real People

Quality websites for a fraction of the cost!



At Real, we register - create - host websites for all different types of industries.

From the basic informational two page site about your business, to the intricate fifty page site with a web basket system.
Website development fees are really a case by case basis. 


If you wanted a 1 page about me site, you wouldn't want to pay the same price for a one page e-commerce site with web baskets and such. However, the following is just a GENERAL LIST to give you a ROUGH IDEA on what you are looking at...

1 page simple info site - 250.00 (minimum charge)
2 page simple info site - 375.00
3 page simple info site - 525.00
5 page simple info site - 650.00
$90.00 a page after 5. 
(average page size is like this one - 8.5 x 14 but can be modified for you needs)

If you need specialty work done, IE special needs forms, or Database intigration, our rate is 80.00 per hour.
Hosting is included while the site is under construction.


Also as we develop your website, we build SEO (Search Engine Optimization) into your site while we design and implement your site. This is included into the cost of development.


Contact us today!

(207) 577-9070 cell
(207) 512-1052 fax